Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Who Carries Around A Penny? Honestly

Arby's has a new deal that I think involves a value meal of some sort, or maybe just a sandwich (Arby's is 'xspensive ya'll) or wahtever and it costs $5.01. And various people are saying oh the penny is for the cheese, or the roast beef or whatever blah ditty blah blah. It is a stupid premise and it bugs. Because it is obvious what the penny is for: to be a PAIN IN THE ASS. Seriously Arby's are you really doing us a favor by requiring that we have a SINGLE FREAKING PENNY? Just quit with the cute and make it $5, or if you have figured out that you need that penny to turn a profit or whatever go ahead and make it $5.25 or some other reasonable amount. Otherwise you can have my penny after I stick it where the sun don't shine. Um. On you. Not me. That was awkward. Whatever, you know what I meant. This whole idea is Lame (haha get it, with a capital L?). And while you're at it, lose the stupid commercial.

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