Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reconstructing Amelia

The first review I read of this book said it is poised to be the Gone Girl of 2013 (which I'm seeing a draft review in my blogroll that is...blank, but um, I loved it).  So naturally I immediately downloaded it.  And read it start to finish in one night.

 I didn't even noticed I stayed up until after 3am until the last page.

The story of a mother trying to trace the steps of her daughter after her suicide (or was it?), Reconstructing Amelia alternates chapters between the mother's (Kate) and daughter's (Amelia) point of view.  In this way we work both backwards and forwards towards the moment in question, exploring perception and the experience of both of these characters. It is mesmerizing to see how each and every poor but easily justified decision is leading to the forgone conclusion.

If the revelations don't exactly fall into didn't see it coming territory, they nonetheless come upon you with frightening inevitableness.  Like running headlong down a steep hill knowing that eventually your speed will overtake your balance but being unable to stop. I literally couldn't put it down, and I can't recommend it strongly enough.