Thursday, November 5, 2009

Now Spin Your partner Round And Round - Right back Into The Closet To Change

What is the deal with square dancing? Well, not so much the dancing part, as the people involved and their costumes. It always seems to involve, shall we say, ladies of “a certain age.” And they are always dressed in what looks like a 6 year old’s best party dress. Don’t they know they look absolutely ridiculous? Grannies wearing above the knee flouncing skirts and petticoats look deranged. And also kind of like they are trying out for the Little Miss Sweet Potato pageant, 6-12 division. Can square dancing not be done unless wearing these (age)inappropriate garments? Do you not know how to do-si-do unless dressed like a child? Honestly, the costumes take away any possibility of credibility and respect you could possibly have for this activity. I don’t get it.


gellybelly said...

I totally agree! I love square dancing, but would never wear those dresses. By the way, when and where did you see square dancing? Does not fit anywhere in your usual genres.

lonek8 said...

no clue why this came to mind. it was actually an idea I had on my list from a long time ago - just never got posted until now.

BBL Jr said...

I am not sure you are aware that your father at about age 10 was a featured square dancer in the World Championship Rodo in Mesquite, Texas. That square dancing is in your blood. ( represents the peak of his dance career which fell into preciptous decline by age 11. )

Lsquared said...

As a kid, we square-danced at school and it was a blast. I have no idea why the women wear those dresses...they are horrible, but they look like they are having fun, so more power to 'em.