Monday, February 11, 2008

Rhapsody in Blah

Isn't it unfortunate when advertisements take a great piece of music and ruin it? The perfect example of this was brought to my attention during the Grammys last night. Rhapsody in Blue is a beautiful song, that has been totally ruined because of the United commercials. Now, it doesn't bother me because it is so linked to United in my head now - what bothers me is those commercials sucked. So now, instead of just thinking "oh United" when I hear it, instead I think about those indecipherable commercials where people were doing fantastical things and nothing made sense or really had anything to do with air travel. Super annoying, and kind of an insult to Gershwin in my opinion. It put the damper on the best part of the Grammys - which were interminably boring and featured sub par performances according to my husband and mother-in-law (I didn't get a chance to watch, nor did I have the inclination).

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