Saturday, February 23, 2008

Basil Anyone?

Another product with an infomercial feel to their ads that has been airing alot lately is the Aerogarden. This is a special device you can use to grow herbs or tomatoes or lettuce right on your counter top. It seems pretty cool – there are these little packets that have the seeds and nutrients in them and apparently they cause your chosen plant to grow quite quickly. But the ad has gone a bit over board in their zest to demonstrate the prodigious growth rate using this system. According to the ads, you will practically be over run with foliage in just 36 days. Now, I don’t use that many fresh herbs, and I’d rather not be forced to eat a head of lettuce every day just to avoid turning my kitchen into a jungle. I’m glad the system is effective, and it seems kind of cool (although I would find it way too big to actually have in my kitchen), but this is one instance where I actually hope the product doesn’t work as well as they say it does. Otherwise, the attack of the killer tomatoes may only be one phone call away.

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