Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Some People Don't Want Cat Hair on Everything?

I like the new commercial for the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser where the couple has covered everything in their house, including themselves with plastic wrap. They are sitting there crinkling and rustling, and I'm sure that everyone out there watching who has pets can sympathize. Personally, I gave up a long time ago on keeping pet hair off of my clothes. I used to lint roll and try not to touch anything right before I left the house if I was wearing black and it was such a hassle. Finally, ony day I just said " you know what? I have cats. I'm going to to have cat hair on me and that's just the way it is." I feel so much freer now. Of course, I also never went anywhere nice so it didn't matter, and now I don't go anywhere at all so it matters even less. Which is probably good because who knows what is all over me now between the cats and two kids. As for the rest of my house, well, cleanliness is next to godliness so I guess me and God aren't that close. Fortunately one of my cats has taken to chasing his tail in the bathtub every night leaving copious amounts of hair (and I do mean copious- we're talking double handfuls every night!!). I say fortunately because it is easy to sweep out of the tub and it cuts down on his shedding everywhere else. Unfortunately it is hard to get every single hair so taking a bath might leave you a little fuzzy. That's just the way it is.

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