Friday, December 14, 2007

Hooray for Puppies!

There is currently a commercial that I am finding hard to dislike even though it is incredibly stupid. It is a holiday themed commercial and a puppy is welcoming his puppy family into his home for Christmas. He calls them all Bro, Sis and Cuz, which I find terribly annoying, and there is no mention of the product until the very end when you see that it is an ad for Cottonelle toilet paper. Overall it is dumb and irritating, but I just can't resist it - there aren't many things cuter than labrador puppies. So while it is totally ineffective because I will not be switching to Cottonelle any time soon, I still look forward to it coming on so I can see the cute little dogs - I just have to mute that whole Cuz business.


auntie said...

Have you seen the car commercial (Kia?) where the salesman does the Flashdance dance all through the showroom? Hilarious.

lonek8 said...

yes and I like up until the point where they recreate the water falling on him. Sexy on Jennifer Beals, creepy on a Kia car salesman