Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Geico Jumps The Shark

It seems to me that Geico commercials are really going downhill. I have commented on the dancing cavemen ads, and now it seems they have chosen to kill off the series featuring celebrities "translating" for regular people. This was never the most awesome idea - I'm actually surprised that I don't find it more annoying than I do - but it had some moments. The one featuring Joan Rivers poking fun at her ridiculous face made me hate her a little less, and "take the train to happy town" is a lovely little jingle. But seriously, Mrs. Butterworth? she makes nice sytup, but I confess I am unsure as to how a plastic bottle is talking at all, much less why she is talking about car insurance. I do like the end when she says a logo has been placed over her face, but over all the whole idea is a terrible permutation of an idea that was pretty lame to begin with. I just hope Geico gets back on the ball with funny commercials, and doesn't do anything horrible to the gecko.

ps: for any one not in the know, "jump the shark" is a saying that refers to a show losing ground and credibilty and pulling ridiculous or outlandish stunts in order to recapture ratings. The origintaion of this phrase is an episode of Happy Days where Fonzie literally jumped over a shark on water skis.

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