Monday, January 7, 2008

Veggie Tales Movie

I have seen a preview for a new Veggie Tales movie - just what it sounds like: tomatoes and cucumbers walking and talking - entitled something like Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. Or maybe where nobody does anything, I don't remember. Anyway, I find this a strange title for a movie - what are they, Seinfeld buffs? I figure maybe it's a riff on the whole "veg out" phenomenon where you lie like broccoli, but it's a dumb title. Plus, before stating the title, the voice over says stuff that happens in the movie, such as rescuing a princess and some other events I also don't remember (I don't watch the kiddie channels too closely, ok?), which to me implies that these pirates do in fact do some things during the movie and therefore the title is false as well as stupid. Although I guess I shouldn't expect too much from vegetative buccaneers.

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