Friday, June 13, 2008

Youth Obsessed Culture

I need to admit to a developing addiction to the Disney and ABC Family channels. Obviously it started with programming for my daughter, but I am kind of starting to like some of the shows and I have found myself watching them on my own even if the kids are napping. Wizards of Waverly Place, anyone? Yes, it is stupid and corny - it’s a children’s show - but I still kind of like it. And more than just the shows, I have started taping all of the ridiculous movies (Cadet Kelly, The Circuit) so that I can watch them later. As you might suspect, these are not good movies. I didn’t feel to bad when my fascination was just with shows like Greek and Gossip Girl, because they do appeal to other adults besides me according to ratings articles I have read. But now I have descended into preteen entertainment, maybe even elementary school levels. Pretty soon I am going to be rendered ecstatic by airings of the Wiggles, and not because my daughter loves them. Quick, someone put on something R rated before I am completely into my second childhood!

1 comment:

Lsquared said...

ok, now I'm a little worried about you.