Friday, June 6, 2008

SYTYCD- The Top 20

Well, first off I will absolutely admit that most of the top twenty were not expecially showcased in the Vegas episode. So I'm sure they are all very good and deserving of their spots. But without that extra footage of how their auditions went, I have to asy that I was kind of dissapointed with some of the choices -namely some of the people that were rejected. So the top twenty had better be really good because there were some dancers that really impressed me in the initial auditions that didn't make it that I was both surprised and saddened to see go. Oh and I am also amazed the stripper, I mean high school teacher, made it into the top twenty since I wouldn't have even sent her to Vegas. I wasn't aware that "exotic" was an acceptable genre of dance for this competition. Oh well, I will console myself with the thought that someone has to go home first.

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