Friday, November 23, 2007

Rise and Shop

Well, it's here: the biggest shopping day of the year. When all of the stores open early for special sales, and legions of idiots line up to buy things that have been available for weeks and will still be available for weeks to come. Many of the stores have been advertising that they will open at 6 am, but two stores (Kohl's and JC Penney) have decided to get a jump on things by opening even earlier, at 4 am!!! Who seriously needs to buy Christmas presents so badly today that they are going to get up and go shopping at 4 am? Insane. If I was in charge of teh stores I would run a "sale" at that time and mark everything up by 15%. If people are so stupid as to get up that early than I want to take advantage of their sleep deprivation and limited reasoning skills to rip them off. They deserve it. As for me - I think I'll take advantage of the wonders of the internet to do all my shopping online where I never have to deal with lines or crowds or parking, and the stores are open 24 hours a day.

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