Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Possible Side Effects

I love all of the drug commercials statements of possible side effects – especially ones that include coma or death which to me aren’t really side effects but more like permanent failures of the medicine. Side effects I can live with, they might make life a little less pleasant but they are tolerable – death not so much. I also like that the sleep aid Lunesta lists drowsiness as a side effect. Isn’t that the main effect? Don’t you expect a sleeping pill to make you drowsy? I also enjoy the side effects for all the drugs marketed for restless leg syndrome. Along with all the usual suspects they include increased gambling or sexual urges. So you can sit still finally, but you’re going to do it at a poker table where you’ll risk losing your 401k. Awesome. Personally I think people with restless leg syndrome just need to stop drinking triple shot espressos all day, but no one is lining up to give me a medical degree so what do I know.


BBL Jr said...

The most famous side effect of all:
4 hour erections.

baj said...

I can't wait to see the pill for constant hunger syndrome.....or......constant sloth symdrome...

Restless leg syndrome? C'mon.