Sunday, October 28, 2007

30 Days of Night

My husband and I got a rare night out this weekend and we went to see 30 Days of Night, and I guess I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect much, and this certainly isn't in the running for greatest movie ever, but it wasn't horrible. The gore was less than I expected - mostly just blood on the snow and vampires faces and long shots of people being eaten. There was one very gruesome shot that was included towards the end and actually felt uneccesary. I figure it was added to compete with the Saw franchise. Personally, I feel they could have edited the movie only a little differently and have created more suspense and an overall scarier movie, but it was okay the way it was. There were of course the usual characters who act stupidly, but the ending was unexpected, at least to me. I don't know if I recommend it, but if you want to see a scary movie that isn't torture porn, this is an okay option.

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