Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'd Rather Have Diamonds

I'm not even sure what to say about this CBS Cares ad:

Seriously? I understand that you are trying to spread awareness or whatever, but gross. How do these guys even get through this without laughing? I know when I saw it I had a straight face, but that was in stunned shock; if I'd had to read those words and then actually SAY them, I would have wet myself in embarassment. And I actually have a pap to smear. Way to make health advocacy creepy, CBS. Note to everyone in my life: DO NOT GET ME A PAP SMEAR FOR CHRISTMAS! For real. Get me a card, or chocolates (or a Wii, wheee!), or nothing at all. Just stay away from my lady bits. Keeping your business out of my business will make for a Merry Christmas.

Jewish? Don't worry, it's a terrible Hannukah gift, too.

ps: Get a Pap Smear. Get a colonoscopy, mammogram and prostate exam, too. Do everything you can to screen for any preventable cancers. Just keep it away from the holiday festivities. Try February.

1 comment:

gellybelly said...

This is totally gross and inappropriate as a gift for any occasion! I finally saw the commercial on TV last night. Thank you for the heads up. I am dumbstruck by the whole idea. I now want to see one for giving "your guy" a prostate exam for his birthday. There have got to be better ways to get the message across.