Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mete-Or We Could Write Something, I Don't Know, New?

One bonus of there not being any new shows on tv is that I don’t have anything taped, so I actually have to watch stuff live. Which is a negative in that I have to watch the dreck that is currently airing, but a plus because I get to see some commercials, as well as previews of upcoming shows. This month, NBC will be airing a tv movie called Meteor. I’m sure you can guess what it is about - think Deep Impact. Think Armageddon (the movie, not the biblical occurrence). And in light of these two classical entries in the “Earth is threatened by space debris” oeuvre, I can’t help but wonder what NBC felt still needed to be said. True, this version features Jason Alexander, but in what looks like full on drama mode rather than Constanza goodness. Also, this meteor is apparently the size of Mt Everest. The one in Deep Impact, I believe, was the size of Texas, which is…um, bigger? Maybe the mountain comparison means it is pointier? I’m not sure. I suppose the obvious area for differentiation could come in how they plan to deal with the meteor. Deep Impact used explosives and old astronauts. Armageddon used explosives and oil rig drillers. So this one could have explosives and like, ballerinas and some thing. Or maybe they just shoot it with lasers. If ballerinas shoot it with lasers, I’m there.


BBL Jr said...

or maybe Nepalese buddhists who encourage the asteroid to look within itself to discover why it wants to hit the earth and thus convince it to pass by in a harmless non-confrontational way.

lonek8 said...

yes. that would be awesome. Attaacking a meteor with zen