Saturday, July 18, 2009


I like this show. It doesn't rock my world or anything, but it does make a wonderful addition to the wasteland that is Friday night tv, and the characters are fun (and dreamy) and the stories are interesting. I like that the residents aren't in every episode, and man, that one guy is a fabulous creep! But I'm wondering if anyone else feels that the pacing is off? When you watch as much tv as I do you start to get a feel for when there is going to be a commercial break. This is not applicable to Mental. This show goes to commercial at the weirdest times. I totally feel like rather than breaking off at a cliff-hangery (perhaps I should have typed suspenseful as that is actually a word?) moment or one that has a bit of closure, they seem to go to commercial in the middle of scenes. And some scenes seem a little long, and then the break off. It's weird. I totally can't get my finger on what the problem is exactly, it just seems like I'm completely caught off guard every time there is a break. usually you can feel it coming and are ready for it - you've already planned your bathroom or kitchen run, but with Mental I just feel interrupted. I'm kind of getting used to ti (or they are getting better about not doing it), but it is still offputting. If the show doesn't stick around long, I think we'll all know the reason.


Lsquared said...

I haven't noticed that. I have watched the show a couple of times, though, and I get pretty bored. I recommend Castle, though. I love that show.

lonek8 said...

Castle is one o fmy favorites! Nathon Fillion, mmmm.