Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday Night Fever

What is with Tuesdays this year? It seems like practically every show I want to watch is on Tuesday nights - which is an issue since my DVR only tapes 2 shows at once, and you can't watch a third channel while it is doing so. The problem comes when there are two shows taping at 7pm, when the kids are still awake, because we can't watch their programs. Fortunately you can watch previously taped shows (or DVDs of course), but it still doesn't answer the question of why everyone put the good stuff on Tuesday night. Why not spread it out a little? Obviuosly, if everything appeals to me then there are some common threads to these shows - woudn't it be nicer if they aired all throughout the week? I could of course pace myself watching them over several days instead of cramming all day Wednesday, but that would be like only eating one cookie or something, and we all know that's a statistical impossibility.

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