Thursday, June 21, 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman

Previews for this movie had me A) very excited to see how visually stunning it was, and B) wondering how in the hell they thought Kristen Stewart could ever be considered fairest of all over Charlize Theron.  But upon seeing it I was pleased that the film was indeed as beautiful as the previews suggested, and that they did somehow manage to make Charlize's Queen Ravenna hideous and evil so that you rooted against her whole heartedly.

In general, the movie doesn't really follow the classic fairytale as we know it, but there are enough little touches of the original story to show that they didn't just write an entirely original tale and call it Snow White.  Theron is wonderful as the evil Queen, slipping in and out of pride, conceit, rage and psychosis as easily as she displays her beauty.  Chris Hemsworth is very good as the hunstman, finding his humanity again after he had thought he had nothing left to live for.  Kristen Stewart is really the only weak link, she has a great look for film, but I'm not sure she can actually act at all.  She certainly never seems to do anything on screen that I've seen.

The dialogue was also kind of odd - the big inspirational speech Snow White gives to rally her army against the queen didn't really make a lick of sense to me, and there were numerous scenes where we paused on a close shot of Stewart as though she was going to say something important, and she owuld just sort of look awkward and shy and say nothing.  It was sort of bizarre.  But that said, I really enjoyed the movie (since when don't I enjoy a movie? ha!), and I would recommend it.

Snow White And The Hunstman  PG-13 2hr 7min

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