Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Thousand

The Thousand by Kevin Guilfoile

This was a much more enjoyable choice than my last book selection.  Good plot: cult of Pythagorean follwers called The Thousand, are out to protect their secrets.  Great main character: Canada Gold the daughter of a brilliant conductor who was murdered after being acquitted of murder himself, with cool powers: due to an implant in her brain that was meant to control her ADHD she know has superhuman powers of observation.

This book has everything I like in a novel - really quick pace, easy to fly through, and thoroughly engaging characters and action.  I especially like that at no point do any of the characters know exactly what is going on - it is fun seeing their decisions based on assumptions that we as the reader know are wrong.  Definitely a fun read - very much along the lines of The DaVinci Code in terms of a secret society being after an innocent person.  If you like action and are just looking for a fun read, pick this up on your next trip to the bookstore.

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