Monday, September 14, 2009

VMA-gate: And We're Suprised Why?

Okay. So you may or may not be aware of the brouhaha stemming from last nights' VMAs (since probably only my dad is reading this, that stands for video music awards. yeah, that's what I'm talking about here. Bye Dad). Basically, Kanye West acted like a dickhead and hijacked Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to say that Beyonce's video was the best one. Commence jaw dropping and much Tweeting/internet chaos. Truly, it was wonderful fodder. But basically, I just have to say, really? Are we THAT surprised that Kanye West acted like, um, Kanye West? The guy makes all the regular asshats out there seem like saints. Yes, it was amazingly rude, and yes, it was totally crazy that he actually got up and did that, but honestly, after watching the clip, the only thing that really surprised me was how polite he was when speaking. The overall message was unforgivable no doubt, but he was actually quite tame with the words coming out of his mouth. Which in itself should demonstrate the heights of douchbaggery he regularly attains, when something so heinous can come across as sort of civil. Dickweed. I would like to suggest that we all stop discussing such abominable behavior and giving the prick what he wants - attention. Don't tweet his name, don't write it on your blog. Make up some nickname (King Douche perhaps?) and use that. So that egomaniacal (and talentless, face it, anyone with his producers could do what he does) fame whore can't search for himself and revel in his controversy. The only thing his name should be used for now is as a verb to explain when someone steals your thunder and/or reaches new levels of wankosity.
ie: the best man totally KANYED their wedding when he got drunk and made out with the bride's dad


BBL Jr said...

I actually heard about this one kiddo. "kanyed by making out with the brides dad" is hilarious. Funny and a brilliant invention of a new word an synonym for f'''d up.

Anonymous said...

Did you see him on Jay Leno last night? I was loving it - Jay went all Barbara Walters on him and asked him what his mother would have thought. He just looked like an ashamed little kid and couldn't even bring himself to speak, was about to burst into tears. He seemed remorseful. I'd be remorseful too if all of America was calling me all of the above names. I bet he had to pay his publicist a big fat bonus.

Lsquared said...

"kanyed" is excellent. will be using in the future.

sarah said...

"douchebaggery" is one of the best words ever.

BabyonBored said...

too much goodness in this one post to cover in my one little comment. Kanye'd is totally now part of my vocab. Starting right now. How about if someone leaves a ridiculous comment on your blog you can say they Kanye'd your blog?

lonek8 said...

BabyonBored, I think using Kanyed to describe trolls who comment on your blog is a great idea! and at the risk of sounding like a total star struck loser, can I say i'm kind of totally floored you are commenting on my blog? thanks!