Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fringe Benefits

Well, Fringe has officially been elected my favorite new show this season (actually, it may be the only new show I've watched this season, but no matter). It isn't surprising since it is by J.J. Abrams and I've liked all his other shows - Alias is one of my all time favorites. So far Fringe has been enjoyable - and it passes the desireability test in that I want to watch it every night. So I'm glad that it is back on tonight. Wow - this entry is really boring - I'm going to blame my lack of focus on Jack and Izzy, who are screaming to play with the computer and repeatedly elbowing me in the abdomen respectively.


gellybelly said...

I'm glad you liked it, because we were pretty disappointed in the first episode. There were just too many obvious lapses and illogical sequences for us. Our reaction was pretty much "yuck!"

lonek8 said...

yeah - I've seen that complaint online alot. I guess I just liked the characters so I didn't care. The doctor is really funny.