Monday, November 30, 2009
Mission Accomplished
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I May Have Already Talked About This
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wine, Mmmmm
Friday, November 27, 2009
Don't Take Chances. Take A Moment
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
ps: want to know what I am thankful for?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The King Gets it Right
Monday, November 23, 2009
Yeah Yeah. But What Is Your Favorite Food?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
But What Does It Have To Do With Reading?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Pizza Talk
Now, here is what a REAL Chicago stuffed pizza (a la Giordanos)looks like:
There is no comparison. In my opinion the first one looks like a taco or something - it bears no resmeblance to pizza at all, much less the delectable, cheesy goodness of an authentic Chicago style stuffed pizza. So there you have it. Papa Murphy's has neither Chicago style nor pizza. Discuss.
update 11/22/9: I have just seen this ad again, and am enraged anew. Why can you not just call it stuffed pizza? Why do you have to denigrate the name of Chicago style pizza with this travesty? I understand that a REAL Chicago style pizza is not conducive to the whole "take and bake" thing - it needs a special pan, it bakes for a really long time, etc. SO DON"T MAKE ONE. Jerks. On behalf of Chicago I want to sue Papa Murphy's for libel or defamation or whatever. False advertising at the very least. Grrrr
Friday, November 20, 2009
A Touch Of Salt, A Lot Of Yummy

I had a coupon, and I was intrigued, so I bought a bar. Wow. This is some yummy chocolate. There are definite salt crystals in it, but rather than feeling the grit or anything, you just get these little spots that seem meltier, and savorier than the rest. So good. If you like chocolate, I totally recommend this*. Or I recommend you stay away, depending on your willpower!
*I was not compensated in anyway for this post
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Regarding Last Night's SYTYCD Decision: Baaaooooo!!*
**if you don't know who that is, or haven't seen the movie, get thee to Netflix ASAP!!
Karen is NOT a star. She is a marginal dancer, and only slightly attractive girl that pervy old Nigel has glommed onto. She does not deserve to be there over Channing, who contrary to the judge's lame excuse, has done a fantastic job both technically AND with her personality. Karen's solo last night was execrable, and she should have been kicked off, rather than given a pat on the back and the allowance that dancing a solo is hard for ballroom dancers. So what? Heidi from season 2 did it fine. So have all the other ballroom contestants from previous seasons - Karen WALKED AROUND THE STAGE FOR HER ENTIRE PIECE. Oh, except for that one hideous jump that I could have bested any day of the week while 8 months pregnant. Inexcusable regardless of your genre.
The decision on the boys was also questionable - although dance wise I don't really have any issue. But Kevin was at least memorable - I am writing this as the credits roll and I literally can't remember the name of the guy they kept. Bad sign, Spinny Guy. No votes for you. My only consolation is that you will be paried with Karen next week, so your anonymity and her suckage can bring each other down.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Picture This
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Who Carries Around A Penny? Honestly
Monday, November 16, 2009
Organizational A-Ha
ps: this still does not explain those horrible hot pink tubs though.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What I Want Out of A Wireless Company Is To Not Be Treated Like An Idiot
here's the ad, what do you think?
ps: I totally love the first girl's outfit
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
This Week's Obsession
Peacock Feathers by Nubar

From most angels it is a beautiful, rich, slightly metallic purple*:

But from other angles it is a deep emerald green*:

SO PRETTY! I have been showing these off to my husband all week (and tweeting it and sharing with anyone who will listen, ie my mom and 3yo daughter)-I am just mesmerized by the color change. you can get anlges where the nails are green and purple all at once, and even some flashed of gold. basically all the colors in a peacock feather, ala the name. My tip for painting them, since the formula is a little thin, is to use one coat of black polish as a base coat. This is a great tip anytime you are using a dark color because it helps with the opacity, and getting the truest deepest color, and it is expecially helpful here in getting the various colors to show up. I use OPI Black Onyx and have never had any staining problems on my nails. If you like the trendy dark polish trend and want an extra fancy kick, I definitely recommend Nubar Peacock Feathers
*I realize these photos are sucky, but it was really hard to get the right light/angle combination with the camera. I ended up using my blackberry cause that worked best for some reason. the color change is WAY easier to see in person
as usual, none of these comments were sponsored or compensated in any way. All products mentioned were purchased with my own money, unless they were purchased with my husband's money, haha!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
How Does That Affect Resale?
Man, you think you have a problem because your house has mice? Well, mine? Came with a BABY! At least you can call pest control.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
So You Think You Can Go Back To The Old Set?
update 11/17/09- after watching tonight's show I have decided the biggest problem with the stage is that it is way too big for two dancers. No matter how great the dance, they cannot fill the stage and it makes the whole piece suffer. My husband says it looks like amateur night at the Apollo.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Vampires Are A Niche Market
Sunday, November 8, 2009
What Makes A Good Ad Good?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
My Linoleum Is Trying To Kill Me
ps: I am totally aware that this doesn't really fall into the purview of this particular blog, being neither about commercials or tv or pop culture in anyway. But it is hard coming up with new ads to talk about every day, and I haven't read any books lately that bear discussion so pffft. And it's Saturday Say What over on my regular blog so I had to post here because you never know - I could fall and bump my head and forget all about it by tomorrow. but because you are sticklers who must be appeased, I will throw in a little product comentary here at the end. Putting on my concealer this morning I noticed that it is SPF 20. What is the purpose of putting SPF in something that doesn't go all over your face? Do my zits need extra sun protection? For a moment I was all paranoid I'm going to get a polka dot tan. And then I slipped.
Look! You Can See What I'm Talking About Right Here!
Now that I've had the wonderful idea to embed the ad I'm talking about in my blog, I find I have nothing else to say about it. You just watched it. Wasn't it funny? Hmm. I was thinking this was such a wonderful idea so people could refresh their memories about what I'm talking about (and I still think it is), but rewatching it right now has run me out of creative steam as far as further discussion goes. Maybe next time I'll write what I'm thinking about first, so I don't get all blanked out by the replay.