Peacock Feathers by Nubar

From most angels it is a beautiful, rich, slightly metallic purple*:

But from other angles it is a deep emerald green*:

SO PRETTY! I have been showing these off to my husband all week (and tweeting it and sharing with anyone who will listen, ie my mom and 3yo daughter)-I am just mesmerized by the color change. you can get anlges where the nails are green and purple all at once, and even some flashed of gold. basically all the colors in a peacock feather, ala the name. My tip for painting them, since the formula is a little thin, is to use one coat of black polish as a base coat. This is a great tip anytime you are using a dark color because it helps with the opacity, and getting the truest deepest color, and it is expecially helpful here in getting the various colors to show up. I use OPI Black Onyx and have never had any staining problems on my nails. If you like the trendy dark polish trend and want an extra fancy kick, I definitely recommend Nubar Peacock Feathers
*I realize these photos are sucky, but it was really hard to get the right light/angle combination with the camera. I ended up using my blackberry cause that worked best for some reason. the color change is WAY easier to see in person
as usual, none of these comments were sponsored or compensated in any way. All products mentioned were purchased with my own money, unless they were purchased with my husband's money, haha!
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