Monday, November 2, 2009

But WHY Is It Black?

Can anyone clear up the confusion I am having about the Taco Bell Black Taco? Is it just a regular taco with a black shell or does it have a special flavor? Is it black for Halloween? I don't get it. The commercials are all about showing off the new black taco, but they are forgetting one crucial element - actually SELLING the taco. Why do we want it? Why do we need it? This, I believe, is a basic tenet of advertising; tell teh consumer about the product in such a way that they feel they cannot live without it. I can live without a black taco if it's only purpose is to prove you can dye the shit out of a taco shell. The ads are all "oooh, black taco" but they don't really make it seem interesting or appealing at all. It's just black. Whoop de freakin doo. So I don't get it. Stunt? New flavor? Either way, the ad is a huge FAIL.


Lsquared said...

I agree. The ad doesn't answer the "why?"

BBL Jr said...

Maybe it is a mourning taco and its filled with chihuahua meat. Has anyone seen that dog lately?