Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gettin' My Brown Coat On

Recently, through the wonder of Netflix instant viewing, I have been introducing my dad to Firefly.  When ever he comes to visit we will squeeze in as many episodes as we can, and because it only lasted one season, we are almost finished - his trip at Christmas should wrap it up.  And the more we watch, the more I am reminded how wonderful this show truly was, and the more bummed out I get about it having been canceled.

I'll admit, I did not watch this show when it was on originally.  I can't remember exactly why - there must have been some time issue (I worked two jobs and therefore nights a lot during this time), because I am a fan of Nathan Fillion, as well as a HUGE Buffy fan, and so would have flocked to anything Joss Whedon did like the true believer that I am.  I also remember reading all about the show when it was first on, how critics loved it but the audiences weren't there, and I remember that it sounded interesting (a space western, literally) so I don't actually know why I never ended up seeing it live.

But none of that really matters - eventually, see it I did, and love it I did.  I suppose that only ever seeing it after it had been canceled saved me from some of the disappointment of having it taken off the air while I was caught up in it.  I would have been really upset to have it drop out right from under me, but it also gives me a little bit of guilt - like if I had been watching maybe it wouldn't have been canceled, you know?  Oh for the days before we had DVR!! How did we survive?

Anyway, all of this is just to say that the series is excellent, and way too short.  As my dad and I come to the end of the 14 fabulous episodes I find myself getting sad that I know it is coming to an end - especially since the overarching grand scheme of things is just starting to come into play beyond the usual adventure of the week stories.  I'm sad that the series ended, and isn't ever likely to be resurrected, even as a sequel to the movie Serenity because they killed Wash the pilot and it wouldn't be the same without him.  Boo.

Oh well.  If you are ever looking for something to watch, and you like whip smart dialogue, by all means check out Firefly.

1 comment:

Lsquared said...

I will have to give it a try. Have you seen Terriers on FX? First season just wrapped up. It is really good...