Anyway, it was with great humor that I noticed the book at Target - notably saying "Precious, based on the novel Push by Sapphire" right on the cover, along with "now a major motion picture. but then I noticed something - right next to it was the book Push. by Sapphire. Now the major motion picture Precious.

Aren't these the same story? Is one just a book of the screenplay or what? if I was Sapphire, and I had negotiated such a great deal that my name was mentioned literally EVERY TIME the mention the movie, I think I could have managed to get a deal in there that they couldn't print a different version of my book under the film's name. Um, hello? Most books just issue a reprint with the movie pictures as a new cover - are these actually different books? If I never wanted to read them before, I'm almost tempted to now to see if they are different at all.
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