So. Here we are. This seems familiar, especially since all of the posts previous to this one are old, hashed out over the past few years. Well, that's what happens when you start a blog, then suddenly change the tone and content - you need a new place to put all the old stuff (maybe most people would have started a new blog for all the new stuff, but I like to flaunt conventions. It's how I roll). So here is the new home for all of my previous opinions on tv shows, commercials, movies, books, miscellaneous whatnot. Feel free to peruse the archives and catch yourself up on all of my thoughts. There will be a test later. It is even possible that I might have some new opinions on these topics in the future so even if you've read all the old stuff you should probably check in once and awhile.
three column layout courtesy of this how-to guide
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re Lawrencing around---you left out watching sports on t.v. while doing all that other stuff. Another Lawrencing around activity is talking about doing something (raking the leaves, painting the bathroom, sorting photos) while watching tv/reading/snacking and, of course, never doing that something you were talking about.
I left out sports watching because that is not a facet I regularly engage in. for that particular type of lawrencing around, I recommend
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