Friday, July 24, 2009

Back To Basic

I deeply love my DVR. It is probably the most fantastic thing I own , after my tv itself. Oooh, and my blackberry - I love me some crckberry too. But this is about my DVR. I am a fullblown tv addicit. If tv was like a real drug, I would not be a functioning addict, I would totally be the dirty, scabby, lying in doorways panhandling addict. It is hard for me to go an hour without the tv being on, unless I am absorbed in a good book. As a mom, with kids who actually expect to come out of their rooms occassionally I have accepted that my preferred viewing choices are not appropriate for them, and so I subject myself to Disney Channel during the day. But does that mean I have to miss my favorite shows? No, indeed it does not. Thanks to the magic of DVR I can record all of my favorites and remain free to put the kids to bed when they are actually tired instead of rushing to do it before House comes on. I can then watch at my leisure, with my only real concern being my bladder bursting because I FFWD the commercials instead of getting up to relieve myself. I can also, on occassion, even record something for the kids, which we will then watch over and over and over. And over. Basically DVR is god's gift to television loving mortals, and I am ever so grateful. Today, I had to give our DVR cable boxes back to the cable company to prepare for our move. This is acceptable because there are no shows I need to watch this weekend - in fact, I am free of 'must record' programming until Wednesday. But let me tell you, if my new system is not up and running by then, there will be some serious freaking out. because a girl needs her fix.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I like this show. It doesn't rock my world or anything, but it does make a wonderful addition to the wasteland that is Friday night tv, and the characters are fun (and dreamy) and the stories are interesting. I like that the residents aren't in every episode, and man, that one guy is a fabulous creep! But I'm wondering if anyone else feels that the pacing is off? When you watch as much tv as I do you start to get a feel for when there is going to be a commercial break. This is not applicable to Mental. This show goes to commercial at the weirdest times. I totally feel like rather than breaking off at a cliff-hangery (perhaps I should have typed suspenseful as that is actually a word?) moment or one that has a bit of closure, they seem to go to commercial in the middle of scenes. And some scenes seem a little long, and then the break off. It's weird. I totally can't get my finger on what the problem is exactly, it just seems like I'm completely caught off guard every time there is a break. usually you can feel it coming and are ready for it - you've already planned your bathroom or kitchen run, but with Mental I just feel interrupted. I'm kind of getting used to ti (or they are getting better about not doing it), but it is still offputting. If the show doesn't stick around long, I think we'll all know the reason.

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

I will start this off by saying that I am not a purist about these movies. When they capture the mood of the books as well as enthrall me with their spell, I leave the theater happy. Yes, stuff gets left out, or changed, but I have so far never been really disappointed by any of the films. This one was no exception. I was memerized from start to finish, and left the theater feeling like it all went by way to fast, why was it so short, oh, it's been two and a half hours. Basically, I loved it and enjoyed myself greatly. I have not read the sixth book since it was published, so I do not remember specifics about what all ws left out. I know there was quite a bit of Voldemort/Tom Riddle backstory left out, but I felt that what was left in sufficed to make their point. I did think that the Half Blood Prince parts got a little short changed - and the blatant announcement by Snape at the end was a little blunt, but that is a minor issue in an otherwise well done film. I also found it somewhat weird that they never said any of the minor character's names - Lavender was only once reffered to as "Lav", and Tonks was in and out without being called by her name once. Not a big deal for die hards, but kind of distracting for people who can't remember quite as well (like the lady next to me who kept asking her boyfriend "what's that guy's name?). I doubt it would have killed them to change lines from 'be careful' to 'be careful, Tonks.' But again, small issue. Overall I was pleased with this movie, and had a great time watching it, although it does certainly prime you for the final two. Watching this one I was really struck by the fact that while obviously a major plot point occurs, there is no real climactic battle or stand alone story. More than any of the other books and films, it really only serves as a prologue for the final chapters. And given that there won't be any more movies for a year, that makes this one a little less satisfying. But only a little - cause I had a kick ass time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ch- EW-ing Gum

So I saw a commercial last night for trident, that said something about it being happy gum or whatever. The ad featured two old people in a home, and the guy blew one of those party horn things and the lady’s pigtails curled up, and then she blew up a balloon and he puffed up and floated away. So, if the correlations are correct, than apparently she breathes helium. Which is still less creepy than a really old lady with long pigtails.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mete-Or We Could Write Something, I Don't Know, New?

One bonus of there not being any new shows on tv is that I don’t have anything taped, so I actually have to watch stuff live. Which is a negative in that I have to watch the dreck that is currently airing, but a plus because I get to see some commercials, as well as previews of upcoming shows. This month, NBC will be airing a tv movie called Meteor. I’m sure you can guess what it is about - think Deep Impact. Think Armageddon (the movie, not the biblical occurrence). And in light of these two classical entries in the “Earth is threatened by space debris” oeuvre, I can’t help but wonder what NBC felt still needed to be said. True, this version features Jason Alexander, but in what looks like full on drama mode rather than Constanza goodness. Also, this meteor is apparently the size of Mt Everest. The one in Deep Impact, I believe, was the size of Texas, which is…um, bigger? Maybe the mountain comparison means it is pointier? I’m not sure. I suppose the obvious area for differentiation could come in how they plan to deal with the meteor. Deep Impact used explosives and old astronauts. Armageddon used explosives and oil rig drillers. So this one could have explosives and like, ballerinas and some thing. Or maybe they just shoot it with lasers. If ballerinas shoot it with lasers, I’m there.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cause We Need Another L&O

Because there hasn't been a new version of Law and Order in a few years, I thought I would let everyone in on my idea. I think the next incarnation should be about a defense lawyer and his private detective as they work on appeals for people already convicted. It oculd be like a cross between all the current versions and cold case. You're welcome, Dick Wolf.

Welcome, And All That

So. Here we are. This seems familiar, especially since all of the posts previous to this one are old, hashed out over the past few years. Well, that's what happens when you start a blog, then suddenly change the tone and content - you need a new place to put all the old stuff (maybe most people would have started a new blog for all the new stuff, but I like to flaunt conventions. It's how I roll). So here is the new home for all of my previous opinions on tv shows, commercials, movies, books, miscellaneous whatnot. Feel free to peruse the archives and catch yourself up on all of my thoughts. There will be a test later. It is even possible that I might have some new opinions on these topics in the future so even if you've read all the old stuff you should probably check in once and awhile.

three column layout courtesy of this how-to guide