Thursday, March 5, 2009

American Idol - Wild Card

Well, The judges certainly have their work cut out for them - there are a lot of good people in the wild card race that deserve another chance. Do they all deserve to be in the top twelve? I don't know, but maybe neither do all of the people who were voted in. That's why we need a few more weeks to vot and get to know the contestants. What I do know is that if tatiana makes the top twelve I will have to stop watching the show, and judging by all the polls I've seen indicating how much people hate her (one website poll voted her the most annoying contestant EVER), lot of other people feel the same way.


BBL Jr said...

don't they have to add some women to the final 12 to even it out?

lonek8 said...

I would think so - it is definitely boy heavy so far. But I can't imagine they will pick three girls which is what they would have to do to make it even. I appreciate them trying a new system this year, but I hope they don't continue to use this voting system in future seasons - it sucks.