Friday, October 30, 2009
Nobody NEEDS Someone Telling Them Their Perfect Wedding Is A Tacky Idea
So there is some new show about weddings that I can't even be botered to remember the name of, but the ads are on CONSTANTLY, and it is all singing about how every bride needs David by her side. And the ads show this guy (presumably David) waving his arms and turning various brides and bridesmaids into nicer looking brides and bridesmaids. He changes Goth Bride and Country Bride and Ugly bridesmaids, and Cutesty Bridesmaids, etc, into much nicer and more bridal magaziney brides and bridesmaids. And in general, I don't object to this. After all, the world can use a whole lot less tacky in it. But honestly, who really cares what these women want to wear at their wedding? if they want to dress up like pirates or put their wedding party into hideous froofy lemon yello gowns, how does that affect me? Shouldn't they be allowed to have the wedding they want, even if it conflicts with the typical Today Show idea of wedding perfection? Basically what notice is that he is making everyone look the same -and that's no good. It's not like they are trying to fix how people dress every day - which is just publc service because we have to look at those people when they are out and about (and at Walmart- seriously what is up with that place?). A wedding is one day - if you want to live it up and do it in a tie-dyed dress and feather hair piece, whatever. Just don't dress that way everyday or we'll have to turn you in to What Not To Wear.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I Didn't Know People Actually Read This
Hey there folks! I was totally unaware you were showing up! I am a total reject and didn't have my settings on to email me when you make your lovely comments - so I didn't know anyone was even reading! Except, my dad. I knew he was reading. but all of you others who have commented - hey there! Thanks so much! I hope you keep coming back - I'm going to try and write more and respond to comments more now that I've gotten everything straightened out.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Happy Feet
Tonight Disney aired Happy Feet for like the thousandth time, and I was finally (been meaning to since it came out in 2006) able to sit down and articulate what it is that I hate about this movie. because make no mistake I HATE this movie. I so desperately want to love it too, which I think makes its dissappointment that much keener. I feel that they had such a fabulous idea (and built in blockbuster potential, obviously), but they handled it so badly, and really turned out a lame movie. People get all dazzled by the cute penguins and the vocal stylings of Robin Williams and they don't really pay attention to how lacking this movie really is. So here are my reasons for why it sucks (which also double as examples of how it could have been better):
1) The songs suck. A main feature of this movie is that the penguins sing to each other to find mates. That is why the main character is out of place bceause he can't sing and instead dances. So why aren't the congs better? There are a few modern songs used, and they are really catchy and cleverly done (great examples of the "mash-up" discussed on Glee each week), but the big moment where his love interest sings? Booooring. Whoever was in charge of music on this film really fell down on the job bceause they had the chance to either write some really great original music, or to incorporate popular songs in new and creative ways (ala Glee or Moulin Rouge) and they didn't do either. Bad choice.
2) The main character (mumbles) never gets older. What is up with that? Is he developmentally challenged as well as a terrible singer? I just don't understdand the purpose of having every other penguin transform from a baby to an adult, except for him. I suppose the idea was to maintain some of that extra cute baby fluffiness, but having him only halfway into adult feathers while everyone else is fully grown is just lame (nless you address is as yet another way he stands out which they never do). Okay, so maybe most people just didn't notice or care, but for super logic-minded (read: anal) folks like me, it is extremely annoying.
3) The heavy handed conservation message. I get it. Over fishing and our apparent disregard for the environment and the globes other inhabitants is an important message. But really, did it need to go in this film? The lack of food for teh penguins is presented the entire first half of the film as some sort of secondary subplot. There is no focus on the penguins really starving or being in danger, and then all of a sudden, Mumbels is off in the real world doing his little dance and all the humans think "oh, so cute, lets not eat fish anymore." I don't think so. If they really wanted to emphasize the importance of this issue, I think it would have been an excellent toipic for a sequel - Mumbles, having been finally accepted by his flock, goes off to save them and brings attention to the wonderful world down south and we all decide to be more gentle and compassionate and whatever. Awesome. Teaches kids (and their parents) an important lesson, and hey look, even more money for the studio because um, if the original won an Oscar and made a gazillion dollars, don't you think a sequel might be a good idea? Yeah, me too. Taking two hours to explore how our actions affect the environment while seeing even more cute dancing penguins sounds like fun to me. Tacking it on in a desperate attempt to add a little extra meaning onto your film just ends up being didactic preaching.
Which brings me to the biggest failure of the film:
4)They completely miss the main point. Mumbles is different. He cannot sing like everyone else, instead he dances. And instead of focusing on his attempts to fit in, followed by his self acceptance and finally his acceptance by everyone, the filmakers shortchange the most important lesson in their film. This movie was a perfect opportunity to really teach acceptance - everyone is different, and everyone has something special to offer. Kids can be so mean to anyone who is different. Society can be so mean to anyone who is different. This movie was a prime situation for teaching acceptance not only of those around you who make look or act differently, but of yourself for your uniqueness. Mumbles should have found that his dancing was wonderful and special and great not because it makes the humans stop stealing their fish, but because it was wonderful and special and great. He should have been welcomed home by his flock not bceause he saved them, but because they learned his value just for being himself. This is a lesson kids can learn in a 105 minute movie, and it is a lesson they need to learn (and that parents may need a refresher course on too). By trying to throw in conservation and adventure and comedy and the kitchen sink, the filmmakers missed out on an opportunity to make a truly great film (Or two truly great films if you like my idea for the sequel to focus on the over fishing subject matter). They tried to cram to much in and ended up losing the real messge in the movie. Which I think is really what I hate most about it. It could have been wonderful and fun and educational. Instead, it was uneven, heavy handed, and a little boring. I'm not going to shy away from a message in a film - in fact I think kids movies should have something to impart beyond dazzle. Just don't beat me over the head with it. After all, it still the movies. it should be fun.
1) The songs suck. A main feature of this movie is that the penguins sing to each other to find mates. That is why the main character is out of place bceause he can't sing and instead dances. So why aren't the congs better? There are a few modern songs used, and they are really catchy and cleverly done (great examples of the "mash-up" discussed on Glee each week), but the big moment where his love interest sings? Booooring. Whoever was in charge of music on this film really fell down on the job bceause they had the chance to either write some really great original music, or to incorporate popular songs in new and creative ways (ala Glee or Moulin Rouge) and they didn't do either. Bad choice.
2) The main character (mumbles) never gets older. What is up with that? Is he developmentally challenged as well as a terrible singer? I just don't understdand the purpose of having every other penguin transform from a baby to an adult, except for him. I suppose the idea was to maintain some of that extra cute baby fluffiness, but having him only halfway into adult feathers while everyone else is fully grown is just lame (nless you address is as yet another way he stands out which they never do). Okay, so maybe most people just didn't notice or care, but for super logic-minded (read: anal) folks like me, it is extremely annoying.
3) The heavy handed conservation message. I get it. Over fishing and our apparent disregard for the environment and the globes other inhabitants is an important message. But really, did it need to go in this film? The lack of food for teh penguins is presented the entire first half of the film as some sort of secondary subplot. There is no focus on the penguins really starving or being in danger, and then all of a sudden, Mumbels is off in the real world doing his little dance and all the humans think "oh, so cute, lets not eat fish anymore." I don't think so. If they really wanted to emphasize the importance of this issue, I think it would have been an excellent toipic for a sequel - Mumbles, having been finally accepted by his flock, goes off to save them and brings attention to the wonderful world down south and we all decide to be more gentle and compassionate and whatever. Awesome. Teaches kids (and their parents) an important lesson, and hey look, even more money for the studio because um, if the original won an Oscar and made a gazillion dollars, don't you think a sequel might be a good idea? Yeah, me too. Taking two hours to explore how our actions affect the environment while seeing even more cute dancing penguins sounds like fun to me. Tacking it on in a desperate attempt to add a little extra meaning onto your film just ends up being didactic preaching.
Which brings me to the biggest failure of the film:
4)They completely miss the main point. Mumbles is different. He cannot sing like everyone else, instead he dances. And instead of focusing on his attempts to fit in, followed by his self acceptance and finally his acceptance by everyone, the filmakers shortchange the most important lesson in their film. This movie was a perfect opportunity to really teach acceptance - everyone is different, and everyone has something special to offer. Kids can be so mean to anyone who is different. Society can be so mean to anyone who is different. This movie was a prime situation for teaching acceptance not only of those around you who make look or act differently, but of yourself for your uniqueness. Mumbles should have found that his dancing was wonderful and special and great not because it makes the humans stop stealing their fish, but because it was wonderful and special and great. He should have been welcomed home by his flock not bceause he saved them, but because they learned his value just for being himself. This is a lesson kids can learn in a 105 minute movie, and it is a lesson they need to learn (and that parents may need a refresher course on too). By trying to throw in conservation and adventure and comedy and the kitchen sink, the filmmakers missed out on an opportunity to make a truly great film (Or two truly great films if you like my idea for the sequel to focus on the over fishing subject matter). They tried to cram to much in and ended up losing the real messge in the movie. Which I think is really what I hate most about it. It could have been wonderful and fun and educational. Instead, it was uneven, heavy handed, and a little boring. I'm not going to shy away from a message in a film - in fact I think kids movies should have something to impart beyond dazzle. Just don't beat me over the head with it. After all, it still the movies. it should be fun.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Few Of My Favorite Things*
I may be a stay at home mom, and I may wear yoga pants a t-shirts all day long, but I still like to look nice, and so I pretty much always have on makeup. Seriously, I may not brush my hair, but you can bet I've got on my mascara! And I do feel a little silly applying foundation and the whole shebang on days when I don't even leave the house, but I have always been skeptical about that old fashion mag advice staple "just dot concealer on your trouble areas and go." For me, that seemed to just result in looking like I had small dots of makeup on my face - making me blotchier and weirder looking. I preferred using a light foundation (I use Chanel Teint Innocence in Cameo) to even everything out, and I never felt that I looked like I had "pancake face." but then I found:
Neutrogena Mineral Sheers Concealer w/ SPF 20 (Light)

This really works wonderfully. I just use a tiny brush to dot it on and then cover it with the included powder and it really works. It is weird having a totally naked face, but I really like it for days I'm not going anywhere but don't want to look so tired and blotchy when I catch sight of myself in the mirror. Anyway, I thought it was so awesome, I just had to tell everyone about it, and then I figured I should maybe let you know what other products I can't live without too.
To add to the whole "I just look this great even without makeup" illusion, I use this:
Tarte Cheek Stain (Blushing Bride)

Just dab it on, rub in a little bit and it looks like you are flushing naturally - not like wearing blush at all. Works really well on top of foundation or under powder too - I think it has the most natural, subtle finish to it. In the winter it adds a bit of dewiness to drier skin, and in the summer I just put a little powder on top in case it feels sticky. Plus, I've been using it daily for 5+ years and I'm still on my first tube!
My other mainstay is this lipstick:
Revlon ColoStay Overtime Lipcolor (Timeless Nude)

I feel there is such a difference in how polished you look wearing even a nude lipstick compared to totally bare lips, and I like how no fuss the long lasting lipsticks are. I drink water constantly, and I hate having gunky lipstick residue on my bottles - chapstick is bad ebough, but when it's colored too? Gross. I have tried all teh brands before and they all work about the same. I prefer this one because this shade is the best true nude I've found- it matches my lips perfectly, and it lasts all day so I can just apply it once and then I use chapstick or gloss on top the rest of the day to keep my lips moist (I like that slick feeling and am a total lipbalm addict. My old reliable is plain vaseline). With a slick of gloss (I like Dior Addict for a really glassy, not too sticky, shine) I get that perfect nude 'Victoria Beckham' lip, and it makes me feel all sophisticated and stylish, even though I'm totally not.
The only other thing I apply everyday is mascara. I like a really black mascara, and I stick with L'Oreal or Lancome, but honestly, I will wear almost any brand except Maybelline which I have had allergic reactions to. On days i'm feeling extra sassy I will also use this:
Stila Kajal Eyeliner (Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Sapphire, or Amethyst)

This is the smoothest eyeliner I have ever found, Super easy to apply (I like to do the inner rims of my lower eyelids and this does it without any tugging at all), and it blends really well. I've also found that it wears down during the day without running all over your face which is nice. The first time I wore it was actually the day I found out I had to put my cat to sleep, and through all that crying I never had tracks down my face. For my upper lids (which I almost never line) I prefer to use a longer lasting formula that doesn't smudge or rub off so easily, but for daily use and on the gentle inner rims this is perfect. It is also probably awesome for smudging into a classic smokey eye, but I have never perfected that technique so I don't know for sure.
The final product I can't live without is:
Eucerin Dry Skin Therapy Plus Intensive Repair Creme

This creme is so thick and moisturizing, and it has alpha hydroxy acids in it too, so it works as an exfoliator. I put it on my heels at night and it keeps them from getting dry and cracked and callousy. Saves time and money on pedicures! It also works really nicely the few times I have gotten eczema from allergic reactions - so far it is the only thing I have found I can apply to these rashes on my face without making it worse. It actually heal the spots faster and take the redness away.
*none of these comments were sponsored or compensated in anyway. Each of these items I found doing my own research (ie, seeing an ad, random guesswork and/or reading fashion magazines), and bought with my own money. And of course, you just have to take my word for it that they work great - for all you know I'm a hot mess. Infact, you may have seen photos, in which case you KNOW I'm a hot mess. hehe
Neutrogena Mineral Sheers Concealer w/ SPF 20 (Light)

This really works wonderfully. I just use a tiny brush to dot it on and then cover it with the included powder and it really works. It is weird having a totally naked face, but I really like it for days I'm not going anywhere but don't want to look so tired and blotchy when I catch sight of myself in the mirror. Anyway, I thought it was so awesome, I just had to tell everyone about it, and then I figured I should maybe let you know what other products I can't live without too.
To add to the whole "I just look this great even without makeup" illusion, I use this:
Tarte Cheek Stain (Blushing Bride)

Just dab it on, rub in a little bit and it looks like you are flushing naturally - not like wearing blush at all. Works really well on top of foundation or under powder too - I think it has the most natural, subtle finish to it. In the winter it adds a bit of dewiness to drier skin, and in the summer I just put a little powder on top in case it feels sticky. Plus, I've been using it daily for 5+ years and I'm still on my first tube!
My other mainstay is this lipstick:
Revlon ColoStay Overtime Lipcolor (Timeless Nude)

I feel there is such a difference in how polished you look wearing even a nude lipstick compared to totally bare lips, and I like how no fuss the long lasting lipsticks are. I drink water constantly, and I hate having gunky lipstick residue on my bottles - chapstick is bad ebough, but when it's colored too? Gross. I have tried all teh brands before and they all work about the same. I prefer this one because this shade is the best true nude I've found- it matches my lips perfectly, and it lasts all day so I can just apply it once and then I use chapstick or gloss on top the rest of the day to keep my lips moist (I like that slick feeling and am a total lipbalm addict. My old reliable is plain vaseline). With a slick of gloss (I like Dior Addict for a really glassy, not too sticky, shine) I get that perfect nude 'Victoria Beckham' lip, and it makes me feel all sophisticated and stylish, even though I'm totally not.
The only other thing I apply everyday is mascara. I like a really black mascara, and I stick with L'Oreal or Lancome, but honestly, I will wear almost any brand except Maybelline which I have had allergic reactions to. On days i'm feeling extra sassy I will also use this:
Stila Kajal Eyeliner (Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Sapphire, or Amethyst)

This is the smoothest eyeliner I have ever found, Super easy to apply (I like to do the inner rims of my lower eyelids and this does it without any tugging at all), and it blends really well. I've also found that it wears down during the day without running all over your face which is nice. The first time I wore it was actually the day I found out I had to put my cat to sleep, and through all that crying I never had tracks down my face. For my upper lids (which I almost never line) I prefer to use a longer lasting formula that doesn't smudge or rub off so easily, but for daily use and on the gentle inner rims this is perfect. It is also probably awesome for smudging into a classic smokey eye, but I have never perfected that technique so I don't know for sure.
The final product I can't live without is:
Eucerin Dry Skin Therapy Plus Intensive Repair Creme

This creme is so thick and moisturizing, and it has alpha hydroxy acids in it too, so it works as an exfoliator. I put it on my heels at night and it keeps them from getting dry and cracked and callousy. Saves time and money on pedicures! It also works really nicely the few times I have gotten eczema from allergic reactions - so far it is the only thing I have found I can apply to these rashes on my face without making it worse. It actually heal the spots faster and take the redness away.
*none of these comments were sponsored or compensated in anyway. Each of these items I found doing my own research (ie, seeing an ad, random guesswork and/or reading fashion magazines), and bought with my own money. And of course, you just have to take my word for it that they work great - for all you know I'm a hot mess. Infact, you may have seen photos, in which case you KNOW I'm a hot mess. hehe
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